
Mural Dedication News Article (Fayetteville, TN)


University of Tennessee System President Randy Boyd made welcoming remarks at last Friday’s “Everywhere You Look, UT” mural celebration. “Bringing the opportunity of affordable access to higher education in lower-middle Tennessee has been our goal during much of the past year,” said Boyd, adding that the mural is a reminder of UT’s impact in Lincoln [...]

Mural Dedication News Article (Fayetteville, TN)2021-06-01T14:58:46-05:00

Illinois Stories Featured Article


Had a great time walking around downtown Springfield (IL) with Mark McDonald discussing the process and history of the Farmers Market Mural and the Frank Lloyd Wright mural, as well as the community mural in Brown County and the Whitetail Properties mural in Pittsfield, IL. Mark and his crew just does a fabulous job with [...]

Illinois Stories Featured Article2021-06-03T08:51:44-05:00

University of Tennessee Mural Campaign Extended to 2030


"We want to have a UT mural in every county in the state!" When I heard those words spoken by the marketing director of UT to the local Bristol, TN news reporter while I sat nearby cleaning my brushes after just finishing the most recent UT mural/ sign painting, it took me a minute to [...]

University of Tennessee Mural Campaign Extended to 20302021-06-01T18:39:03-05:00

Joe Crain Banner (Grab-a-Java) Goes Viral


Working closely with our good friends at Grab-A-Java in Springfield, we have come up with a few creative banners commemorating pop culture, events, and social issues. This all comes with great love and admiration of the original banners that were created over the many years by the original owner of Grab-A-Java who painted countless banners [...]

Joe Crain Banner (Grab-a-Java) Goes Viral2021-06-01T15:15:14-05:00

LCU Restorer – Magazine Article


A few months ago, my wife and I were interviewed for an article in The Restorer magazine for the college she works for (Lincoln Christian University). I always find it interesting that anyone would find our "story" unique and interesting enough to write about, let alone publicize. I know EVERYONE who walks in faith has [...]

LCU Restorer – Magazine Article2020-01-02T11:18:46-06:00
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